Alternative Treatments To ADHD
Treatments for ADHD often come in the form of various drugs that affect the body and mind so that the person is calmer. However, in some people the drugs either don’t work enough or leave the person still hyper and unable to focus, or the dosage is so much that it causes the person to feel wiped out and no longer themselves as they find they have no drive, and are basically like a zombie at that point. Both of these symptoms are problematic and don’t allow the person with ADHD to live a normal life. But because ADHD is most commonly diagnosed in children the right dosage, and the right drug can be hard to find; as well as hard to maintain because of the fact that as they grow the dosage will change which is problematic for the providers trying to treat them in this way. What is so often overlooked is therapy for ADHD which can come in the form of behavioral therapy. The reason that some people don’t just go to that type of treatment is because it is slow and by the time that some...